Subject: BT Network Services information (version 1.5) Supersedes: Date: 16 Jun 1996 23:47:54 +0100 References: Summary: Charges and sequences for BT Network Services X-NNTP-Posting-Host: Posting-Frequency: monthly Version: 1.5 ... BT Select Services . formerly BT Network Services Information ...(nee 'Star services') Posted and Maintained by James Grinter 'Select Services' are available on BT's digital exchanges (System X and System Y) and are usually available on the payment of a quarterly rental, though some are available solely on the payment of a per usage charge. The charges shown below are correct as of BT's price list of 2nd September 1991, and I'm reliably informed that they're correct as of May 1995. [My thanks to Kevin Hopkins for combining all the lists of network services and reformatting them. It is split into two sections 1. Charges for services; 2. How-to guide to services. -- chris.] A summary of these features is given in the uk.telecom FAQ ---- This post, and all other periodic postings to news.answers are available for anonymous ftp in the periodic posting archive [], or via E-mail by sending a message to (send a message with "help" in the body to get more information). ---- Thanks: Culled from information provided by (Pravir K Chawdhry), (Clive Feather) and (Kevin Hopkins). This information was originally compiled by Christopher Samuel . Many thanks Chris! ---- BT Network Services: All prices are in Pounds sterling. Charges: Service Rental/Qtr Per use charge (inc VAT) (inc VAT) -------------------------------------------------------------- Call Charge Advice 0.00 [currently, Nov 95] Reminder Call 0.12 Reminder Programme 0.12 (per reminder) Three Way Calling 4.00 Call Diversion 7.00 charge for the diverted part of the call Call Barring 7.00 (incoming and outgoing) Code Calling and 4.00 Repeat Last Call Call Waiting 4.00 For existing customers: The above 5 services 19.00 ..excluding barring 12.00 For new customers: Call Diversion & Bypass Number 8.99 Call Barring & Bypass Number 8.99 Caller Display & Call Waiting 7.00 Facilities introduced in November 1994: Calling Line Identity (CLI) - Caller Display, per line 4.00 - Call Return 0.00 - Withhold Number, per call 0.00 - Withhold Number, per line 0.00 Bar use 141 & 1470 - Withhold Number for all calls 0.00 - Release Number for all calls 0.00 - Bar use of Call Return 0.00 Call Minder (Standard) 5.00 Call Minder 2 3.00 How-to guide to services: Here are the access codes. The codes work on both System X and System Y exchanges (aka Ericsson AXE 10) unless otherwise indicated. R indicates recall, the relevant button is usually marked R, recall or break. This is not the same as 'Flash', which is an equivalent to 'flashing' the hook - a practice used on the US systems amongst others. Some phones, however, treat flashing the hook as the same as hitting Recall - read your manual number is any standard telephone number. == codes marked as such are unconfirmed. Call Charge Advice- Next call only: *40*number# (System X) Next call only: *40*number (System Y) (or try *40#number) Current call only: R*40# (used in the middle of a call) (belived System X only) Set up for all calls: *411# Check: *#411# Cancel: #411# The exchange calls back with time of call and cost after it ends. Reminder Call- Set up: *55*time# Check: *#55# Cancel: #55# Time must be given as four digit two four hour clock time. Reminder Programme (System X only)- Set up: *56*time*programme# Check: *#56# Cancel a programme: #56*time*programme# Cancel all programmes: #56# Time must be given as four digit two four clock time. An unlimited number of Reminder Programs can be pending. Programme Day 1 Monday 2 Tuesday 3 Wednesday 4 Thursday 5 Friday 6 Saturday 7 Sunday 8 Monday to Friday 9 All week Three Way Calling- After the first conversation between two parties has been established ask the other party to hold and then R second number. After the second number answers the following access codes may be used Finish the current call & switch to other call: R1 Shuttle between two numbers: R2 (each will be a private conversation) Open a three way conversation: R3 Connect the calls together and disconnect you: R4 == Disconnect first call in a three way call: R5 Place original call back on hold: R6 == Disconnect second call in a three way call: R7 Place second call back on hold: R8 == **Note that** you can go back from three way conference to two way shuttle mode (despite what BT's documentation claims) but you must be very careful about which is the first and which is the second call. You pay at normal rate for each call; second leg is itemised. Call Waiting doesn't function during three way call. R 6 does this. Call Diversion- All calls: *21*number# (dial tone changes) Check: *#21# Cancel: #21# Divert on busy: *67*number# (dial tone changes) Check: *#67# Cancel: #67# Divert on no reply: *61*number# (dial tone changes) Divert on no reply: *61*number*wait# == (Extra System Y facility) Check: *#61# Cancel: #61# Divert on busy or no reply: *66*number# (*#66# doesn't work.) Cancel: #66# You can have 'divert on busy' and 'divert on no reply' set on both at the same time to different numbers. The BT manual incorrectly claims that only one type can be active at any one time. Wait is two digit time in seconds (05 to 60) before redirection takes place. Incoming Call Barring- Set up: *261# (dial tone changes) Check: *#261# Cancel: #261# (System X) Cancel: #261*keyword# (System Y) (keyword is a 4 digit code assigned by BT) Outgoing Call Barring- Set up: *34N# N = barring level Check: *#34# Cancel: *34N*keyword# (keyword is a 4 digit code assigned by BT) It is permitted to have more than one call barring level set at any one time. The 34 changes to 35 for lines in PBX 'auxilliary' groups. Barring Bars ... Level 1 All calls except 999 and 151 repairs (and maybe 154). Clearing level 1 (#341#) will clear ALL outgoing call barring. 2 All calls except charge rates L and p1 i.e. all national and international but not Premium rate calls (System X only) 2 All call except charge rates L i.e. all national and international (System Y only) 3 All international calls 4 Operator connected calls and services except 999 and 151 (and maybe 154, and 0500) 5 Network Services (except #34 codes) 6 Premium rate (p1) calls (System X only) - All calls 7 Premium rate (p1) calls (System X only) - Adult calls only On some exchanges, recorded messages say 'Call barring is in operation' for levels 6 & 7. 151 was universally used for repair service. 154 is now used for business repairs whilst 151 is for residential line repairs and reporting faults with TKs. [TKs?] Code Calling- [belived no longer available. I've had reports that it still works in some areas {*}] Store a number: *51*code*number# Check a code: *#51*code# Cancel: #51*code# Dial with a code: ** code Codes used are 3 to 29 on System X and 10 to 36 on System Y. Load last dialled number into memory: (gives message expected from *#51*0#) *52# Cancel: #52# Dial: *54# Repeat Last Call- To use: ** 0 (excluding code calling calls) Call Waiting- Set up: *43# Check: *#43# Cancel: #43# When a waiting call is blipped in your ear-piece: Reject waiting call: R0 Take waiting call: R1 (after 1st call is finished) R2 (hold the first call) Switch between calls: R2 Retry When Not Busy (System Y only, unconfirmed ==)- Set up: 5 (when busy tone is heard) Cancel: #37# Check Services In Operation- *#001# (System X only) Call Return is available on digital exchanges, by dialling 1471. Individual lines can be prevented from access to 1471. 1471 will report the last received call, giving messages in the form - "Telephone number called at